
Vince Kramer channels for individuals and groups through The Round Table, a loving combination of all the guides, the I AM energies that support those who gather for a channeling. Through Vince, The Round Table fulfills its purpose: to impart knowledge of life’s Purpose Meaning Joy and transform lives.

Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are enlightened beings who were ordinary humans in past incarnations, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations. Their purpose is to help humans in their movement toward enlightenment and guide humanity in its destined evolution.

The Round Table (TRT)

Most know The Round Table as King Arthur’s legendary table around which his knights were seated. As channeled through Vince Kramer, The Round Table is made up of Archangels, Ascended Masters and higher frequency entities who are the “higher selves” of those present and being channeled for. Usually (99% of the time), Archangels are the spokesperson for The Round Table.

The Round Table is the name for this collective voice—the combined I AM energies gathered as one and those who gather for channeling. Guides are not “above” those seeking guidance—all who gather at The Round Table are equal.

The most amazing thing you can be is you, there is no one like you and there is no one who can do what you can do.

– The Round Table, channeled by Vince Kramer

Register for our Introductory Group Channeling

to discover your unique purpose and live the life you’re meant to live.


Unlock and unblock Yourself

Mary Kramer guides individuals toward the fullest expression of their authentic selves—toward the powerful persons they once were and are meant to be again. She can help you: know yourself better; empower you to understand and use your gift more deeply; and work through anything blocking your perceptions or inhibiting your body’s natural vibrations to align your heart with your mind.

Align and Connect with Others

With Mary as your mentor, you can release your true quintessence—the person you have longed to be and the person you have longed for others to see. Mary aligns you with individuals who are in complete resonance with you and open to hearing your message. She helps you:

  • Align your message to your essence.
  • Attract the people who are looking for you.
  • Match your outside with your inside energy.

Connect with Mary

for a free 15-minute discussion on moving toward the fullest expression of yourself.
Purpose Meaning Joy – The Transformational Growth Company ©2024. (Spirit Wind Inc. - Imagine Miracles) All Rights Reserved.